Rise from the ashes of a lesser life & become all that you are as a luminous leader of the emerging future

Advanced Impeccable Mysticism

Profound Healing, Liberation & Soul Restoration

Incorruptible Pristine Magic

Alchemical Relationships of Fullness & Wholeness

Joyous Higher Calling & Song of Self Business

Rapid Expansion of Consciousness Into Realities of Freedom, Abundance, Peace & Beauty

Hot-Off-The-Press Cosmic Updates & Support For the Mission of the Ancient Ones

Cutting-Edge Metaphysics for High-Level Reality Creation in a Sovereign Realm

Dear One, does this sound like you?

✨You’ve felt your whole life that you’re not of this world, you can’t live in the the way that the masses feel is normal, and you’re searching for full clarity on how to live a magnificent and thriving life beyond the distortions of the mainstream reality that is true to who you really are

✨You feel that there’s something really different about you – and sense that you may not even be a regular human – but you haven’t yet found anywhere that seems to grasp or match the depth that you reach inside of yourself when alone with your own being

✨You want to live from the fullness of the magic that you know lies deep within you, and wonder how to fully marry up your everyday life with the vast capacity of your multi-dimensional self

✨You find yourself baffled by the behaviour of others in a lot of spiritual circles, and although you might not have consciously realised it, you’re aware that your level of consciousness seems more advanced than most, and you no longer want to play in the realm that forces you to be somehow less

You want to fulfil your destiny of being set free to soar to the heights of your Real Self, while being liberated into the blessings of your inherent birthright as a Divine being in the flesh –  self-creating a sovereign reality at your own level of life

You want to fully reclaim your regality and dwell in the sanctity and homecoming of a dignified divine life, while being honoured for your purity and other rare and beautiful qualities that have not always been appreciated by many

You want to explore cutting-edge mysticism, metaphysics and advanced reality creation that is appropriate to your evolved level of awareness as an Ancient One

You’ve moved beyond trying to fix the old world and want to simply master creating a new reality, drawing on your true DNA capacity as a Luminous Lightbearer

You’re aware that life on Earth changes through you, and want to master the vehicle of your own being and life as the proxy blueprint for the Heaven on Earth reality to which you’re devoted

You are invited to come on a journey...

Join a community of light family on this journey together to be surrounded by others who are moving higher, and receive the support of being held in a deep and potent way as we navigate these magical times together. We share beautiful tones and impulses of realities of grace and beauty, and you will be met and nurtured deeply exactly as you are - as a treasured Divine being, in the sanctity and purity of your Real Self. 

What You'll receive when you join

    • Live workshop every month on the theme of the moment – covering all latest cutting-edge cosmic unfolding (varying themes)

    • Live Q&A / Group Support Call every month, to receive direct support with the grounding this magical journey into your own life

    • Seasonal contributions from a host of other incredible, hand-selected New Earth Leaders with deep wisdom and support for your journey

    • Holding in a potent entrainment field of a higher life, supported by powerful light & frequency technology and alchemy

    • Growing training/resource library of support materials

    • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!

    • Access to all past content

    • Special discounts for all our other offerings

    • Be part of our private support community (hosted on Circle – Facebook alternative) where you can share your experience, challenges and request support & feedback on your journeys

    • Ongoing pulses of content to align you with higher realities

Through our sacred community you will...

  • Journey alongside true family of light to experience the great gift of being welcomed and received among your own kind (the mirror of what is vs what is not – a tremendous blessing in the life of an evolved being)

  • Attune to higher realities of grace, ease, magic, healing and joyous co-creative adventure beyond the false human matrices

  • Tap into your greater calling and find your place in the incredible emergence of new realities unfolding on the planet now and into the future

  • Learn skills and tools that support alignment with higher living as a masterful being and learn to become a conscious creator of your Path With Heart

  • Develop confidence in your ability to contribute your unique gifts to the expression of whole new worlds

Ready to join?

Monthly Plan

per month
  • Live workshop every month on the theme of the moment – covering all latest cutting-edge cosmic unfolding (varying themes)
  • Live Q&A / Group Support Call every month, to receive direct support with the grounding this magical journey into your own life
  • Holding in a potent entrainment field of a higher life, supported by powerful light & frequency technology
  • Monthly blessing ceremony
  • Ongoing pulses of content to align you with higher realities
  • Growing training/resource library of support materials
  • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!
  • Access to all past content
  • Pop-up bonus calls as inspired
  • Special discounts for all our other offerings
  • Be part of our private support community (hosted on Circle – Facebook alternative) where you can share your experience, challenges and request support & feedback on your journey
  • Cancel anytime

Annual Plan

    • 12 months of access with pay-in-full discount
    • Live workshop every month on the theme of the moment – covering all latest cutting-edge cosmic unfolding (varying themes)
    • Live Q&A / Group Support Call every month, to receive direct support with the grounding this magical journey into your own life
    • Holding in a potent entrainment field of a higher life, supported by powerful light & frequency technology
    • Monthly blessing ceremony
    • Ongoing pulses of content to align you with higher realities
    • Growing training/resource library of support materials
    • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!
    • Access to all past content
    • Pop-up bonus calls as inspired
    • Special discounts for all our other offerings
    • Be part of our private support community (hosted on Circle – Facebook alternative) where you can share your experience, challenges and request support & feedback on your journey
    • Cancel anytime

Drop in anytime, cancel anytime

Experiences of Our Members

"Being part of Bringers of Hope and your workshops has given me a new intelligence about healing and actually embodying what I'm learning. It's amazing."

The benefits of participating...

    • Be held in a powerful entrainment field of a higher life

    • Receive up-to-the minute cosmic updates specific to the Mission of the Ancient Ones

    • Heal your inner psyche to develop deeply loving and nourishing relationships in your life

    • Be supported with guidance on how to express the higher principles of an evolved being so that you evoke your full power to co-create realities of deep peace and joy for all of life

    • Be activated to step into ever-greater organic abundance on every level, to create the dreams of your heart in alignment with the intent of Source

    • Receive support with profound, heart, psyche and soul-level healing

    • Be supported to claim who you really are without any doubt and never look back

    • And So Much More….

About the components of this offering

This offering contains two core components:

  • Ongoing live events where you can directly participate with cutting-edge content, and receive support with your own unique journey – featuring seasonal contributions from our team of facilitators
  • A rich and resource training library that is ever expanding, filled with self-study materials to explore at your own pace

A snapshot of what's in our training lirbrary

Exploration of the Ancient Ones – Who They Are & Their Higher Destiny
Self Love Resources / Falling in Love With Yourself
Keys to a Higher Life
Inner Family Magic
Resurrecting the Divine Feminine
Tools to Support the Journey of Full Self-Actualisation
Quick Access Process Resources
Live Call Recordings
Bonus Video Resource Library
Audio Resource Library
…And more

A Beacon of Hope for a Beautiful Life
Aligning With Organic Reality
Ever-Expanding Higher Harmonic Reality
Creating a Magical Reality for the Inner Child
Breaking the Bonds of Artificial Life
Entering the Real Dream of the Infinite
Crafting Your White Light Reality
Leaving the Old Cosmos & Opening to a Miraculous Reality of Freedom
…and much much more

(click each section to open up for more details)

More Testimonials from Our Clients

“I want to say that these Sacred Circle Gatherings have become the highlight of my month. I get more new awareness and nourishment and opening from them than pretty much anything else I do. Big love to all! It is magic you create, Ciara.”

Tomar Levine, Intuitive Life Purpose, Career and Empowerment Coach, Business Strategist and Akashic Record Consultant

“Thank you Ciara. And to everyone. I couldn’t navigate this in the way I am that I’m growing to love so much without you all. The grace of it all is growing as I go further along. I’d probably be bald at this point from pulling my hair out and feeling traumatised had I been still trying to keep going on my own as this way of showing up is so opposite to anything I’ve learned before this group. I’m very grateful for the education in it.”

Anonymous Member

“Thank you so much Ciara. I am so glad I have things like this group particularly at this moment. At the very least, it shows me a context I was not aware of before, which helps me be less judgemental on myself about certain things, and at best, it helps me work through so many things, that alone I just felt too overwhelmed to engage with. I needed this, and I’m so appreciative of how generous everyone is.”​

Tracy Beary, Writer

“Being plugged into this group feels incredible: like coming home… like instantaneous and effortless evolution… like unconditional love and acceptance (from others and of self)… like the perfect place to be to birth my new business powerfully and authentically, so that I may express the fullness of my being on the planet now!”

Sue Elliott, Angel Coach

“I’m tremendously deeply beyond-any-words grateful for you, dear Ciara, and for each and everyone of you, dear sisters, and for this magnificent magical space we’re having here. Thank you so, so much! This is genuinely the greatest and most precious treasure in my life.”

Isabella DancingHeart, GoddessYou Divine Dance

“The evolutionary growth that has emerged — just within the few weeks immersed in this Visionary Spirit group — has made a huge difference in amplifying the clarity of my expression and deepened my articulation of my sacred work in the world. I am profoundly grateful to you, Ciara, for this container of community for evolutionary beings. It’s like coming home to family on a whole new and healthy level.”

Bobbye Middendorf, Yin Arising Catalyst & Inner Wisdom Guide

“I am deeply appreciative of Ciara and for the blessing of partaking in these gatherings. The wondrous experience of being lovingly held in such awe-inspiring, compassionate oneness, whilst witnessing myself and others’ lives gracefully unfold within the beauty of unified diversity is such a divinely inspiring, magical treasure-trove of delightfulness! I absolutely love attending the Sacred Circle Gatherings! -The subtle, yet powerfully-uplifting, contributions of diversely intimate perspectives and authentic expressions form truly life-altering alchemical leveraging! With Resounding Gratitude and Love."
Marissa Albano

Select an Option to Join Us

Monthly Plan

per month
  • Live workshop every month on the theme of the moment – covering all latest cutting-edge cosmic unfolding (varying themes)
  • Live Q&A / Group Support Call every month, to receive direct support with the grounding this magical journey into your own life
  • Holding in a potent entrainment field of a higher life, supported by powerful light & frequency technology
  • Monthly blessing ceremony
  • Ongoing pulses of content to align you with higher realities
  • Growing training/resource library of support materials
  • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!
  • Access to all past content
  • Pop-up bonus calls as inspired
  • Special discounts for all our other offerings
  • Be part of our private support community (hosted on Circle – Facebook alternative) where you can share your experience, challenges and request support & feedback on your journey
  • Cancel anytime

Annual Plan

    • 12 months of access with pay-in-full discount
    • Live workshop every month on the theme of the moment – covering all latest cutting-edge cosmic unfolding (varying themes)
    • Live Q&A / Group Support Call every month, to receive direct support with the grounding this magical journey into your own life
    • Holding in a potent entrainment field of a higher life, supported by powerful light & frequency technology
    • Monthly blessing ceremony
    • Ongoing pulses of content to align you with higher realities
    • Growing training/resource library of support materials
    • Private Telegram broadcast channel with regular audio transmissions for support on the go!
    • Access to all past content
    • Pop-up bonus calls as inspired
    • Special discounts for all our other offerings
    • Be part of our private support community (hosted on Circle – Facebook alternative) where you can share your experience, challenges and request support & feedback on your journey
    • Cancel anytime

Drop in anytime, cancel anytime

Your guides for this journey...

I’ve been on an accelerated spiritual journey my whole life, and I deeply know and understand the many challenges that come with walking this path. From a very young age I’ve known I was here for a very different purpose than what my environment led me to believe, and for many years this knowing was a source of great suffering.

Through a process of lifelong initiation, I came to understand that my calling is to work with those just like me who are here for something truly massive and far-reaching in its implications.

Who simply don’t fit into existing paradigms, and who refuse to relinquish the knowing that a new world is possible – no matter how much of a pipe dream it might seem like from within the confines of mainstream realities.

Together, we are creating the New Earth.

I deeply understand your unique experiences, needs and challenges as a highly conscious multi-dimensional being.

And I genuinely care about your journey… it’s impossible for me to put into words the honour I feel to be privileged to participate in even the smallest way in the lives of those who come to walk alongside me for any length of time, and I don’t take any of this lightly.

You can be assured with me that I treasure you in the way that is befitting of the divine being that you are. The preciousness of your existence is safe with me.

Ciara Young

Mystic & Mentor for Advanced Light Beings & Visionaries

My approach

By working with me you’ll experience a fusion of ancient feminine shamanism, mysticism, metaphysics, intuitive coaching/mentoring and metaphysical psychology with a deep understanding of modern challenges and drawn from an absolute wealth of personal experience, plus professional training in several key areas.  I’m continuously adding to my repertoire of tools, techniques, processes and understanding to benefit my beloved clients. Working with me is a truly unique experience, and if you feel I’m the one to help you, you’ll get a combination of everything I can bring to you from my aeons of journeying through this terrain.

Bobbye Middendorf

Spoken Word Alchemist & Inner Wisdom Circle Facilitator

Bobbye is our Inner Wisdom circle facilitator and all-round magnificent inner journeying guide. Her multi-layered contributions are deep and potent, while being intensely soothing to the sensitive ones for whom life on Earth often feels so abrasive. She supports with exponential strengthening in one’s own inner knowing in alignment with the natural rhythms of the Earth.

Elyse Hope Killoran

Consciousness Catalyst & Transformational Leader

Elyse is an exceptional transformational leader who creates instant change in those who encounter her through complete rearrangement of artificial patterns into their original organic blueprint. Her teaching methods are profound yet simple to grasp, and her life-changing events serve to powerfully ground our deep mystical work on a very practical level. With an extensive background in neuroscience, she is skilled in untangling the body mechanisms that keep us locked into old patterns. 

Shane Donohoe

Shaman, Healer & Guide for Wayshowers

Shane of Soul Family is our dearest brother, and holds a potent space of true Divine Masculine presence that nourishes our precious family in feeling utterly safe to embody in their full luminous divinity at this time of tremendous change, without concern about undesirable cosmic influences. Intensively trained in deep mystical study and a solo dad of 3, he is intimately familiar with the everyday nuances of this journey and how to support them.

Michelle Kerigan

Healer & Women's Leadership Facilitator

Michelle is our beautiful community facilitator and lead Belvaspata healer, with a deep passion for women’s empowerment and a particular understanding of the unique journey of mothers who are stewarding the wellbeing of their children alongside their own journeys of vast transformation. She is dedicated to the emergence of the Divine Feminine on our planet.

Potential Questions You Might Have:

This offering works in a “spiral” format, meaning that the longer you stay in the deeper we progressively go together and the more transformation you experience; you can drop in at any time and start right where you are – there isn’t a specific start or end date – and wherever you land will position you perfectly to gain whatever benefit you need to at the time.

We present materials in an up-to-the-minute “journey” format, and the journey is ongoing and never-ending.

This is a pay-for-access rather than pay for ownership container, which means that you will retain access for the time which you are a member. If or when your membership is cancelled, access to both the community and resource library will be forfeit. 

All support is provided on a group basis both within our private member’s only Community Temple Space, and bi-monthly live workshops with Ciara – in addition to seasonal contributions from other hand-selected teachers and facilitators.

Each month we have a Live Q&A / Group Support call where you can come to ask your own personal questions pertaining to your own journey.

Also available is the option to add-on monthly private sessions with Ciara to deeply support your individual process.

Please be aware that private messaging and email support is not a feature of this offering. Email and chat support is available via our One to One Coaching Programs.

We welcome both our brothers and sisters to co-create with us in this sacred space! 😊

Terms of Exchange:

  • Exchange is non-refundable due to immediate access to content/materials.
  • Offering is provided on a pay-for-access vs pay-for-ownership basis. This means that once your membership expires, you will lose access to the library. All major workshops are available to download in the library, and it’s your responsibility to do this before your membership expires, should you wish to keep resources.
  • Any coaching or support is provided exclusively via the group format and within our live calls and doesn’t include private 1:1 contact via email and chat. Unlimited priority 1:1 email and chat access is available via our One to One Mentoring Programs.
  • Your purchase indicates that you understand 1:1 support is not included in this program, that this is a group offering, and that you will not unreasonably expect ongoing personal support or contact either via email or private message within our community space.
  • Participants agree not to reproduce the content shared within this platform for commercial purposes without express written consent, or to share content publicly. Violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of contract and loss of membership access rights.