The Rose Template of Higher Living – Manifest a Miraculous Higher Reality



Now available via instant access to replay

Join us to explore the miracle of complete realignment with the original templates of the Mother, that map her desire for us to live the most extraordinary flourishing lives of joy and beauty that most closely depict and resemble her magnificent face.

You will learn how to synchronise with living your whole life from this template, to experience instant miraculous shifts and ultimately the fulfilment of your highest reality of thriving – manifesting a miraculous higher life in alignment with the will of the Goddess herself.

These teachings are drawn from the secrets of the Order of the White Rose, and show us the roadmap for how to actually articulate our highest potential of a life that is expressed directly from the heart of the Mother – the creational power source of existence.

As with all of our work that is devoted to the physicalised spiritual path of high shamanism, this workshop is focused intensely on the practical application of this work – ie. how to apply it “boots on the ground” to your actual life, covering also some of the sticky areas and where you can also explore other resources beyond the scope of our workshop to support you with “unsticking” them.
If you’ve joined any of our workshops before, you’ll know they are truly jam-packed and of tremendous value, not to be missed if your heart calls you!

Option to join 5 part workshop series and receive €66 discount – explore here


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