

Calling in 4 special souls, for a special last quarter journey

Calling in 4 special souls, for a special last quarter journey…

You’ve come a very long way through through this year,

The wind is changing and a new season is on its way – 

One that is the culmination of everything that you’ve been building towards for as long as you can remember…

And as the year draws to a close,

You know it’s your time to arrive in a place of poise, balance and sacred homecoming – the pinnacle of self-belonging.

If you know 2024 is the year you spread your wings fully and you want to get ready,

Click the link below to apply for a resonance call and let’s chat about if one of these places is for you.

3 months

  • 3 x intensive 1:1 sessions (up to 3 hrs each)
  • Private Telegram support throughout
  • Powerful alchemical entrainment field held for you and lovingly tended daily
  • Quantum work done on you in the background
  • Resources provided for you as needed (videos, pdf, audio recordings)
  • Inclusion in Visionary Spirit New Year Ceremony

Payment plans & special rates for existing clients available, click the button below to enquire

(or email ciara@theblazingheartfoundation.com)